Makao – Best Realtor, Real Estate Website

Why Realtors Need An Online Presence

Most people go to the internet when looking for new homes in today’s real estate world. Few years ago, you looked them up online on a desktop, got a map, and drove out to see a potential residence. Today, you pick a smartphone and go, because anything after that, you can look up on your phone. With the gigantic shift to a mobile internet, real estate agents need to stay in business by increasing their web presence.


It’s becoming a benchmark that most successful real estate agents and companies are always looking for new ways to grow their businesses, and a Website supplemented by online marketing is one of the most effective tools you have for earning new business.

Nowadays, most real estate shoppers start their search online, researching agents, looking at listings, and learning about potential neighborhoods to call home. Building an online presence is essential for real estate success, and there are countless ways to customize your online presence to meet your own unique real estate goals

The Benchmark is a professional Designed Website complimented by strategic Online and Social Media Marketing

Makao is an all-in-one real estate site that gives you apt information about homes for sale, apartments for rent, neighborhood insights, commercial buildings, properties and trends to help you figure out exactly what, where, and when to buy, sell, or rent. You can also find have a real-time chat with our real estate agent, view prices of recently sold homes, and see home values in your community.

A high quality professionally designed website appropriate for any Real Estate Firm, Company or Agent Selling, Buying or Renting/Leasing property made Easy using an online niche. Get this dynamic and easily update-able Website, adding property in very simple steps and view-able across all data device. Like a virtual property tour by a click of a button or a subtle tap on some screen.

The Website Makao is our Tuvuti’s Team creation at InspiMate Inc and has the many features just to highlight a few:

  1. Easy Navigation Menu,
  2. Responsive retina design i.e. viewable across all devices (Desktops, Tablets, PDA, Phones etc.)
  3. Listing of all Properties with concise information.
  4. Online and Instant Messaging with website visitors
  5. Embedded Social media Updates from Twitter and Facebook appearing real-time on the website.
  6. Easy to update, addition or editing of properties on the go.
  7. Fast and light on all browsers

Get this website and establish an Online Niche for your business.


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